Privacy Policy


Thank you for choosing SmartCourt. Protection of Your “Personal Data” is essential to us that is whywe have prepared a detailed description of how Your data is processed when using SmartCourtsystems. We are compliant with all applicable privacy laws and regulations incl. European DataProtection Regulation (EU 2016/679). This Privacy Policy is subject to SmartCourt Service Terms.Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy.

We do not collect personal information from anyone under the age of 13 without their verifiableparental consent. Children under the age of 13 may only use our Services with the consent of theirparents. In this case an email address of the parent shall be used for account activation andcommunication purposes, while the collected information is limited to the reasonably necessaryinformation for usage of Services. The User together with parent must read, understand and agree tothe Terms and Privacy Policy.

1. Who are we?

We are SmartCourt sp. z o.o. located at Majdańska 1/83, 04-088 Warsaw, Poland. You can contact us per post or via email at

2. What personal data do we collect?

a. Account and profile data

When signing up to our Service at our website or by downloading our mobile application, we maycollect personal information from you such as: name, date of birth, your email address, phonenumber, user name and others. In some cases, we may collect additional information e.g., whetheryou are a right- or left-handed player. While signing to premium Subscription, we may collectinformation required for payments such as: credit card number.

b. Web and Mobile data

When using SmartCourt mobile app we automatically collect device information, such as the MACaddress, operating system type and version, browser, application version number, time zone,language, and mobile network information. With your consent we may collect information aboutreal-time precise or non-precise geo-location.

We use cookies and similar technologies to automatically collect usage data relating to visits, clicks,downloads etc. during your interaction with our website and mobile app.

c. SmartCourt on-court device data

SmartCourt on-court device during active game prepares a detailed analysis of your game. Theanalysis is realized based on gathered camera images. The processing is fully automated and takesplace in real-time at the SmartCourt on-court device. No images or video recordings are stored orsent at/out of the SmartCourt on-court device during normal operation. SmartCourt reserves theright to do sample recordings for testing and product development purposes.

3. Use and Sharing of Personal information

We process your data in order to deliver to you possibly best we can. This includes:

- Fulfilment of your orders according to the Service Agreement and our Service Terms.

- Providing you with our Service corresponding to your needs and our standards. This includesperformance and support as well as proper functioning and safety.

-  Improvement of our services by doing performance and quality checks and implementationof changes based on their evaluation. For example: making sample game recordings andchecking the quality of the resulting statistical data.

- Communication of newest developments and changes to our Services and Service Terms.

- Marketing activities such as preparing and providing suitable offer content for users.

- Analysis of user groups incl. segmenting and benchmarking.

- Legal Compliance: We may process Your Personal Data if it is necessary or appropriate: (a) to comply with legal process; (b) enforce our Service Terms; (c) respond to Your supportrequests (d) to protect our system and operations; (e) to protect our and third parties rights,privacy, safety or property, including You and public.

- Presenting top personal records at the specific leaderboards unless it is against the Your willset in Your account settings.

Your Personal data might be shared however with:

- Our partners/service providers, such as website hosting, data analysis, payment,infrastructure provision, IT services, customer support service, e-mail delivery services, andother similar service providers in order to enable them to provide services to us. (e.g.Amazon Web Services)

- Third party in the event of restructuring e.g.: merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, etc. Insuch an event, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our website of anychange in ownership, incompatible new uses of Your Personal Data, and choices You mayhave regarding Your Personal Data.

Otherwise, we will not share any Personal Information and/or Player’s Performance without therelevant Yours specific consent.

4. How long do we store Your Data?

We store Your Personal Data until the termination of the User Agreement or as long as it is needed toprovide You the Service or as long as it is not required by law to keep such data. If an account isrecognized to be inactive by us, we might review the related data and anonymize it.

5. Security

We implemented physical, software and electronic measures as well as specific procedures to protectYour Personal information and minimize the risk of unauthorized access to it. Be advised that wecannot prevent every potential security breach and fully guarantee the information security.

All payment information shall be collected and processed via a third party payment service provider,who shall assure highest industry standards for maintaining the confidentiality and security of YourPersonal and financial information.

We never ask via email for any sensitive Personal Information.

6. Your rights to Your Personal information

You may:

- Access the personal information provided by You

- Request correction of Your Personal data that is incorrect

- Request restriction on processing of Your Personal data

- Request to delete Your Personal data

- Request the transfer of Your Personal Data

- Object processing of Your Personal Data

- Exercise Your rights by accessing our Services or contacting us at

If you believe that processing at SmartCourt of Your Personal data violates the applicable law, youmay lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority in Poland - UODO.